战“疫”MV | 为中国祈福

4、You think you can, you can. 你认为你行,你就行。 5、I can because i think i can. 我行,因为我相信我行! 6、Action speak louder than words. 行动胜于言语! 7、Never say die. 永不气馁! 8、Winners do what losers don't want to do...

While Navarro wanted to continue to slander China, Velshi didn‘t want to continue to listen to the evasive questions。 After that, Navarro was forcibly interrupted, and a ...

I pray for you and love you and you are a torch leading my future, I pray for you and eager to unite with you to work wonders! 总策划:伍刚 策划:张效慧 刘立峰 制片人:陈文斌 吕永超 阮琼刚 特邀制片:林兴 於意 作词:伍刚 英文作词:王春婵 作曲、演唱:李季 ...

I pray for you and love you and you are a torch leading my future, I pray for you and eager to unite with you to work wonders! 总策划:伍刚 策划:张效慧 刘立峰 制片人:陈文斌 吕永超 阮琼刚 特邀制片:林兴 於意 作词:伍刚 英文作词:王春婵 作曲、演唱:李季 ...

What's your question? What do you want to say?” 你的问题是什么?你想说什么? 问答终于重回轨道。 如此一轮下来,后面没人胡乱插嘴。 按照中外记者会的惯例和互相尊重的原则,理想状态当然是好好问、好好答,有问有答。 说难听点,在白宫,如此表现,来了这回,可能就不让...

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